其实和马太福音差不多人妻JAPAN HD XXXX VIDEOS完全没feel但是又非要挪用这么一个故事拉升我的期待值……结果也完全没感受到生理及心理上的痛或美感 另:最后的“古典”乐曲一度还以为是莫扎特c minor mass或者巴赫马太受难曲看完后仔细一想才想到是布兰诗歌感受就如同看完这部电影被喂了一嘴媚俗的shit一般另另:结尾跳舞是不是太无聊太没创意了一点 另另另:帕就像是用这部片masturbate还带着一厘米厚的套一样不知道是为了自己还是观众;实在是无聊至极
I ain’t got no words for the fabulosity of this legendary season of this legendary show. Crying every single episode. Thought there ain’t no relationship between a man and a woman that’s gonna make me actually feel something, until Angel and Papi’s wedding. And Pray, you bastard, all those tears I shed for you. Ain’t no mountain high enough, baby.